Dec 4, 2007

what i do on sick days

(in no particular order):
  1. sleep later than i should
  2. watch the 1st half of Moulin Rouge
  3. go thru one box in my room
  4. discover new roads in my neighborhood
  5. listen to lots of relient k
  6. make christmas lists
  7. eat soup (duh)
  8. do calculus homework (WHAT?? i know, right?)
  9. get called by my friends who missed me (aww, thanks)
  10. be fascinated with balloons at kroger
  11. buy the giant holiday issue of vogue
  12. narrow down my college choices (to 4!!)
  13. other [useless] things (watch videos of jon bon jovi with big hair)

1 comment:

Sunny Ruggles said...

why'd you go and get sick for?