Dec 5, 2007

me to my mom:

"tell the counselor i'm a nostalgic, and a chronic procrastinator, and they're both interfering with my life. tell her i have self-control issues. tell her im tired and i have diet issues. is there such thing as an emotional disorder? and tell her i don't wanna go to college. i just want to sit.

"i dont know why school is stressing me out so much, because when i look at it closer, i like all my classes and i really do want to learn. but everything adds up. one thing to do for each class is just one long to-do list. i don't have time to be creative.

"i dont do anything because all i do is think about what i have to do. and when i'm not thinking about it, i'm not doing anything! its like i just freeze up.

"and i dont understand why im so depressed half the time. like whenever im home. i feel so sad and depressed and then as soon as i get to school im all energetic and happy and fun, and then i come home and i just want to go to sleep. thats not really depression is it? if its only half the time?

. . .

"why am i so depressed? i cried the other day when i lost my ring. i sat in the classroom and sobbed in my arms."

my mom: "you're just stressed out."

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