For trying to do a good thing, abstaining from meat proved to harm me more than help. I re-welcomed protein into my life yesterday, and today I felt absolutely invincible. I had an amazing day. Whether or not it was a result of returning to meat is uncertain, but I attribute it to that. Diet has to be an influential factor on mood and well-being.
Lately I've found myself extremely moody and short-tempered, which is shocking compared to my typical behavior. I rarely get mad. But recently even the smallest things can push my fury nearly to tears. I'm glad I put that behind me.
Today, despite having chill classes and minimal work, my mood was inexplicably positive. Nothing could ruffle me. I was cheery and bright from 5:30 a.m. until this very minute. Although good things happened, not a single one jumps out as the reason for my joy.
I'm so glad.